One thing that we focus on in Troop 2 is ensuring that the troop is and stays “Boy Led”. This means we want to give our older Scouts the opportunity to grow their skills in: leadership, communication, team work, and problem solving so that they can become “responsible, participating citizens and leaders who are guided by the Scout Oath and Law” (Scouting.org). For this to happen, several things need to be in place. First they need to be in an environment that will give them the tools and knowledge to succeed. Second they need support from their parents, guardians, troop leaders, and peers. Third they need to be given the space to try and be able to succeed or fail and learn from the experiences they’ve had.
With all of these things said here is how you can help your Scout (and all of the troop 2 Scouts be successful).
- Take an active roll in the troop—This could be: serving in or assisting a troop leadership position, acting as a patrol adviser, driving to and from outings, becoming a merit badge counselor, sitting on boards of review. If everyone does something, someone does not have to do everything—Scouting really is fun for adults too. Also it creates an environment where parent/guardians can bond with their Scout.
- Encourage and motivate your Scout to participate in troop activities. The Monday troop meetings are important as well and campouts. We like to make the connection that “Weekly meetings are like practices, where Scouts learn new skills and work on advancement. Monthly outings are like games, where the scouts apply what they’ve learned. Just as a team can’t compete without a sufficient number of players, a Troop can’t go on outings or hold meetings without a sufficient number of Scouts.” -BSA Troop 403
- Keep informed about upcoming events, outings and fundraisers
- Communicate with the troop about you and your Scout’s needs so we can help ensure success
- Enjoy the greatness that comes with teamwork, hard work, and dedication